

Study Abroad In Japan

Hello readers, however many there might be. This will be the first of many post about my time in Japan. Let me introduce myself first. I am Andrew Vo. I attend Loyola University New Orleans and has been accepted to study at Kansai Gaidai University in Japan. By the time I go to Japan I will be 21. As of now, I am going to be studying abroad for the Fall semester. However, I am hoping that I will be able to extend my trip to a full year. The only problem with going for a year is money. I come from a not-so-rich family and am hoping to be able to ride on scholarships and financial aid the whole way through this study abroad experience. This is will be my first trip to another country without my family besides me. This will be my second trip to Japan event thought I don't remember much from my first one because like 9 years old then. Lets just say that this time I will definitely be able to remember this, hopefully, amazing experience in Japan. You can say that I am somewhat nervous, but at the same time, excited. For the first time in my life, I will have to survive the real world all on my own without relying on people, especially my mom. By the time I come back, I will probably be a totally different person than I am now. I hope that I will be able to experience the full joy of a study abroad experience, such as culture shock, depression, reverse culture shock, etc. I want this trip to be a life changing trip. I want to be able to depend on myself and be able to get over obstacles all on my own. I have to mention this though. As I am typing this, I am tearing up, about to cry. Why? I don't even know why myself. Maybe it's because I am scared. Maybe I am sad that I will leave my loving mom behind for so long. Maybe I don't think I am capable of doing this all on my own, BUT I have to try. I need courage, I will have to face this sooner or later anyhow and why not sooner? I'm sorry that this post is very jumpy on the topics. I just write whatever is on my mind. Anyhow, the goal of this blog is to help future study abroad students, especially those attending Kansai Gaidai University, which will now be abbreviated to KGU. There will be times where I will get emotional, and times when I might be absent from this blog. When I am in Japan, I plan on updating this blog ATLEAST once a week. I will try my best, but if something comes up, I am truly sorry. I hope that this blog will come in handy for you future KGUers and study abroad participants.

Copyright 2010 Vo In Japan