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I've made it!

I have arrived safe and sound in Japan! I do not have internet access on my laptop yet because the school needs to set up a proxy for it. This probably won't be a full blog post because I'm not too comfortable writing on my blogs at the computer lab. So ever since I arrived yesterday, so much has happened. It's pretty crazy, but exciting at the same time. I've met some awesome people and got a pretty cool British guy as a roommate.  I'm not sure what else to say since so much has happened and I rather blog on my laptop. Well I guess I just wanted to say that I am pretty much safe and sound now that I am in Japan. More to come within the next week once my laptop is hooked up to the internet.



  1. Don't they have the proxy directions in the packet? :O

  2. yeah they do I just found that out this morning XD haha I didnt know that proxy paper opened up =p


Copyright 2010 Vo In Japan